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Photovoice data neatly organized on the EthOS insight dashboard and smarphone app

Photovoice Research Tool: Put the Power of Pictures To Work

Through photography, participants express their real-life experiences and stories to identify and represent important social and community issues

Companies Using EthOS to Make Customer-Centered Decisions

An Agile Photovoice Platform To Help Amplify, Encourage, And Influence Policymakers

  • What is a photovoice icon
    What :
    Photovoice is a community-based research method that relies on photography. The most critical aspect of Photovoice research is that the data is used to elevate the voices of a community by providing facts to key decision makers.
  • Why use photovoice icon
    Why :
    Photovoice is a highly customizable community-based research method. It allows participants to express concerns and issues relevant to them. After creating the photos and narratives, it is best to present the findings around communities. The more exposure the research receives, the more likely change will occur.
  • When to use photovoice icon
    When :
    Photovoice is a potent tool when you need to identify issues and create awareness.

The 3 Steps of a Photovoice Project


Plan the Photovoice Project

This involves thinking about who should be included, how you are going to recruit people, and the timeline of the project.

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Carry Out the Photovoice Project

You will need to introduce the Photovoice project to the group of recruited participants and review the necessary ethical guidelines of the study. Participants then begin to take photos.

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Display the photographs and findings to create social action around your cause.

A community member taking a photo for a photovoice research study.

Photovoice Empowers Communities Through Their Mobile Devices

  • Have community members take photos and videos on their phones to express their concerns and needs.
  • Help those who are often unheard gain a voice through the simple act of taking pictures and videos.
  • If the topic is sensitive users can take audio recordings or send text-based thoughts and observations.

Capture the Emotion and Context Surrounding Issues

  • Use sentiment analysis to easily identify what's going well in the community and what isn't.
  • Seeing issues through the eyes of the community is more powerful than being told about them.
  • Empower people to have their voices heard without having to stand up and speak in a public forum.
Photovoice research data organized on the EthOS insight dashboard
Photovoice research data organized on the EthOS insight dashboard

Share Photos and Promote Critical Dialogue to Bring About Social Change

  • Review and pinpoint the most powerful photos and videos on our insight dashboard.
  • Run filters and leverage out of the box reports to unearth themes and important issues.
  • Send pictures and videos to policy makers or give them access to the insight dashboard so they can see the reality of the issues your community faces.

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