Home » The 5 Best UX Research Tools

The 5 Best UX Research Tools

The 5 Best UX Research Tools


UX research tools are a foundational part of any UX research program. When it comes to finding the best tools for their needs, UX researchers should focus their attention on platforms that unearth actionable insights and facilitate collaboration. With budgets getting cut, it’s also important to consider a platform that supports multiple methodologies.

Finding the right UX research tools

UX Researcher coming up with a list of the best UX Research Tools

Teams should capitalize on platforms that are built with multiple methods in mind. Your UX research tests are only as good as your tool suite, and teams often find themselves constrained by the tools they use. With a growing need for actionable user insights, many companies are feeling the push to find the best tools for the job.

Now could be the time to assess the foundation of your user research, which demands an audit of your current toolkit. The best UX research tools align with the UX research process and support teams as they discover, explore, test, and listen. It is key to remember that UX research is most effective when it builds off of other tests in your repository.

In an economic downturn, finding a UX research tool that allows you to quickly conduct deep and insightful tests is paramount to keeping your product and company afloat. With more companies curtailing projects and cutting back on resources, it can be easy to make concessions on tools. However, finding the right tools is essential to generating insights that keep your company moving toward innovation rather than stagnation by relying on past findings. Now is a great time to tap into UX research so your team can align with the changing needs of consumers and allocate budget more impactfully.

Understanding how to evaluate UX research tools

With so many platforms popping up, finding a tool that will allow research teams to run the most insightful tests can be difficult. The methodology is a major factor when it comes to deciding on various research tools. Some platforms are built for only certain studies in mind, while other platforms have built-out flows that allow for more in-depth methods like diary studies and remote field studies.

For most companies and products, it is important that past and current studies can be easily found and organized. Organizational and collaborative features like tagging, sharing, and sorting allow remote teams to work effectively and reach findings quickly. When looking for a dynamic and robust platform, features matter. Look for things like automated transcriptions, video recordings, and post-task probing to dive deeply into the contexts of users. For example, transcription software can be extremely valuable when quoting users and digging deeper into the contextual impacts that a product or service has on users’ daily lives.

Flexibility and customization are essential things to consider when evaluating tools. Teams should be able to conduct a variety of different methods depending on testing objectives, and they should be able to gather a range of qualitative insights that allow researchers to generate findings that are truly reflective of the user’s experience.

The best remote UX research tools


User Interviews

  • Participant recruiting


Optimal Workshop


  • Card sorting
  • Tree Testing
  • First-click testing
  • Online surveys
  • Participant Recruitment
